March 28, 2011

Tokidoki Sodashop Palette

Tokidoki 'Soda Shop collection' Limited Edition Make Up Palette

I saw this In Sephora over the weekend. I wanted to get it but I was a little hesitant since I didn't know much about it. so far, reviews on it  have been good. Its retailing at $49, a little pricier than an Urban Decay palette, which I love by the way.

Sold exclusively at Sephora, Tokidoki (meaning sometimes in Japanese) is the Japanese-inspired lifestyle brand created in 2003 by Italian artist Simone Legno and his business partners, Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold.Tokidoki joined forces with SMASHBOX for this Soda Shop collection which features the tokidoki characters Bastardino, Adios, and Trucker Burger in a classic American "happy days" world. Tokidoki line also includes apparel, footwear, accessories and other products using art, iconic characters and the Tokidoki logo designed by Simone Legno, including purses, t-shirts, vinyl figures, jewelry, and small toys.

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